How To Play Guitar Bob Marley

how to play guitar bob marley
How to play Bob Marley song Is This love guitar lesson

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What is an affordable way to learn the electric guitar?

I played the piano before and Saxaphone. Now I want to try me electric guitar. I know that probably never be able to play as well as Bob Marley, for example, but at least I want to be able to play the intermediate level. Where can I buy one and everyone suggest the cheapest sold at Target? Or are they a waste of money? The lessons are $ 50 an hour here, so you can afford private lessons. So how do I learn to play? I really wanted to play an instrument music.

affordable to learn guitar: Buy a guitar used in any piece. Do not pay more than $ 100. Then follow these steps: You can learn in books and courses. If you follow this method, you will hear about the rules and learn to read music. But if you want to play the guitar quick and easy Here is a list of things to do. Assuming you've never touched an instrument – that's what I suggest. 1) Look at a piano. I know you are to learn the guitar – but it is easier to visualize on a piano. All instruments have 12 notes (any instrument). We will learn these first. 2) Look in the black and white keys on the piano. Do you see a pattern? Count the white keys between models. Find 7 white keys. These seven keys (which are repeated for each more or less "standard", also called "eighth") is seven notes C, D, E, F, G, A and B (model begins usually with C). After G, the notes start with "A" in a new "model" or "eighth". 3) Now, look at the keys black. There are five of these in the middle of each pattern / octave. They are sharp "(or apartments depending on your viewpoint). C #, D #, F #, G # A # (also known as Db, Eb, GB, Ab, Bb). The "#" is pronounced "Sharp" and simply means a touch more than a touch of black, white which is pronounced "b", "plan" and simply means a touch more black than to a white key. The guitar has the same concept of letters, flats and sharps. 4) Note that there is no E # B # – ie, an E # is F. And a B # is a C. If you do not know why – Review the structure of black and white keys on the piano. The model explains why. 5) Now, let's look at a guitar. The metal rods perpendicular neck are called frets. The same pattern of key 12 (12 notes with the needle 7 + 5 floors) are among the dishes. 6) Choose the guitar. Start on any what channel and play the open chain (which means plucking the strings, but do not press any case). Hear that noise? 7) In the newspaper chain even between the first fret and the bridge of the guitar (Way over the top of the neck) and restart the same chain. Did you hear that noise? Follow the pattern of 12 notes. Note that this note in footnote 13 sounds like the open note or the first, he played only one octave higher. 8) Now that you know, there are 12 ratings for each octave (note 13 is the same as the first note an octave higher pitch). 7 + 5 = 12 notes sharps. And what kind of know how to play each these notes on the same chain. 9) The following important step is the identification of these notes. Let's start with the bottom string on your guitar (the rope finer). This channel is called "E" because when it is set correctly, the open note or a note on the first string is the melody E. I play the guitar (open), E # (which is again reached pressure between the first fret and the bridge of the same chain and take the rope). Listen to all the 12 notes E, F, F #, G, G #, A, A #, B, C, C #, D & D #. Find the note 13 – play and compare to the first note or open. Is this? Reply – Yes, they are an "E". 10) There are 5 other strings of your guitar (assuming you play a standard 6-string). Low (lowest) up (more than fat) these strings are E, B, C, D, A & E. Play each note on each string. For example, a string of 5 e, the game (open), A # (1 ยบ freight), B (2nd fret), C (3 rd fret) C # (4th division), etc. Listen to all 12 notes on each string. Communication and compare the new note 13 to the first note – you should always sound the same, only an octave higher. 11) So you know more or less what is each note in each chain. With practice, you know when, where and why to play every note. For the next steps also need to know the proper way to tune the guitar. Suppose you can do on the internet or getting someone to help you. Hence, there are many forms of travel. I'll walk into the next agreement. 12) An agreement (pronounced "string") is simply a collection of notes between them. For convenience, think of 3 major chords notes played together at the same time they played together they sound happy. Now consider children under 3 notes played together in the same time, when they played together its sad. Back to top piano, to find the middle "C". This is the key in the center of the piano – that remains is another white button on the right is a black key. Now it's C, E and G keys at the same time at the same time. Did you hear that? Nice is not it? This is called a C-string. Now find the E on the piano. Now it is E, F & A # (remember that F # is a black key). This is called E-string. Each major chord on a piano or a guitar is made of three notes played together sound when he is happy. These are the seven major chords: C chord: C, E and G. Okay: D, F # and A. E-rope: E # GF and B-string: F, A and C. G-string: G, B + Okay: A, C # and online evaluation of B: B, D & F # # You "will notice that not a list sharps / flats, minor, diminished seventh, 9ths, he argues, the major-seventh chord and a host of jazz deluxe. Let us stick to most at the moment. Major chords. 13) Now, let's try our agreement first guitar. What I think is the most basic of all chords on the guitar – Which is called the E-string. In the list above you can see the E-string consists of E, G and B. # On guitar, we will achieve this by playing all six strings while scratching on a long and playing these notes: E-chain first, the 2nd string B e 3 series, G #, 4 – Channel E, B, 5th and 6th string E. Here's how to read guitar: E |———–|————|- ———–| <— Down (Bit E) Series B |———–|————|- ———–| G | — – a D |——— –|– —–|————|————| —- 2-3 |———–|—— —-|————| – E | — ——–|————|—– —|————| – —– – | <— higher (E fat) chain in table, "1" is the pointing finger. "2" is the finger birdy and "3" is your ring finger. You can also change the 2 and 3 if it is more convenient for you. The practice of putting your hands in these positions shown above and scratching. At first you can not sound good – will have to play with different combinations pressure and when the mast of a good sound. Her fingers become raw and tired of this – the first time. Okay – do not give up. You need hard to develop a callus on their hands to play well anyway. This is your first E-string! 14) Now we will play another key agreement. The A-string. In the table above, we know that the A-chord consists of A, C # and E. We will achieve this goal in game 6-string guitar at the same time in a long scratch and play these notes: E-first chain, C third string 2, 3 of the A chain, room E-string, 5 th and 6-String E. It looks like this: |———–|————|——– —-| E <— Netherlands (E-bit) serial B |———–|—— a —-|——— — | G |—– D | – ———|—— two —-|————| –|—— —- 3 —-|————| An E —-|———– – | |——– |———–|——– —|————|- ——-| —- <— top (fat E) string Some people away from the E 6th string and the strings use different fingers – play and find what is comfortable for you. Just pressing the right dishes and you. 15) So now you can play one practice and one E. Switching between these two agreements quickly and easily, while scratching. Practice your strumming time – play with a metronome or click track if possible. 16) There are many strains of many others can learn. Find them here: 17) Now I'll show you the quickest and play any song worldwide. It's called "strikethrough" With this technique, you can play almost any song you want (except agreements Jazz luxury). Bar agreements are nothing more than the 2-chords you've learned (WSS), played on different boxes. Remember how I said "1" in the lists above has been finger pointing? Well, with the bar chords that will use the finger pointed to "clip" on a box that leaves only three fingers play other necessary notes. So for the E & A has learned the chords, practice these new, but not with the pointing finger – use instead the bird, the ring and little fingers to play these chords. Once you've mastered that move to the next step. 18) Now you've mastered the A & E with three fingers (Birdy, ring and little fingers), which published the pointing finger to act like a necklace clamping on a box. This is the secret agreements bar. Example. Listen E-rope. Now move all the fingers in a bowl and tip slightly behind CLAMP and not quite in the first box (eg, press the 6 strings down with his finger pointed like a clamp and use the other three fingers the shape of the E-string). If you can master agreement, which is playing a chord bar F. Upload another box, again with the position of the fingers but also E-CLAMP pointed fingers at the second fret, now you're playing an F #. Got it? Up and down the neck to the base-line E-Bar. Play Fine, #, G chord, G #. Got it? 19) You can play many songs that way – but it is also useful for learning the A-bar-line too. So once again, play an A chord. Tip: You can play an A-line with a finger. Trust me on this point. Use your ring finger to press the frets to the A-line (I was using three fingers to play an A, you are now using only your ring finger to do the same agreement). Use only your finger. You can do it. It is necessary to control the A-bar-chords. Well, now that you've learned, CLAMP a hoop and finger pointing on the first box and use your finger to play the condition of A-line (only 1-box above). Now, you play an A # with the structure A-line! Up and down the box board game A, A #, B, C, C #, etc. Got it? You On reading the bar chord. 20) Using the techniques of A & E barre chord, you can play almost anywhere what song. You must play with the rhythm and change over time. It also helps you learn the seventh chords and secondary. You can limit these agreements also, with this combination – a song is in your hand. 21) If you want to see pictures of the bar online, click here. 22) Send me a mail with your questions: Have fun.

how to play guitar bob marley