how to learn guitar in 30 days
Easiest chord progressions- learn guitar in 30 days
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How long do I need guitar lessons?
I'm turning 16 July. (Yes I know, old) I think to guitar lessons. My mother bought me an acoustic guitar. I'm just desperate to learn to play guitar, so I know I'll work hard and practice. So my questions are: 1) How many days should I take lessons a week? 2) How often should I take per day? 30 minutes? 1 hour? 3) How many months I remains in the lessons? 4) How many months does it take for me to learn guitar? I mean .. My goal is not to be a "pro" of the guitar, but I just want to be pretty good at it and be able to play songs they like, I just want to learn guitar, so sometimes you can relax stress, I'm not doing this to impress people, or become famous or anything. no. 5) notes? cloud? agreements? Please give me some tips and advice. thank you!
Well, in my experience, I had guitar lessons for about two and a half years now, and I'm still not as good as I'd like to be, actually, but I'm learning power if it can be different. Anyway. I a lesson of one hour per week, which I think is really perfectly suited. Plus, and I could not time to practice:) also depends on whether you want to learn the theory behind what you play, too, because it takes time to learn and improve. If you want to learn songs and tricks, no experience is necessary for a long period, because everything you need to know is the basic agreements and rules into agreements more complex so you can learn songs with complex chords in any case, I would say maybe a year to a year and a half or something perhaps? It is difficult to determine whether, as some learn faster than others:) Sorry if I waffle a bit, and I hope I helped:)
how to learn guitar in 30 days