learn to play electric guitar online
15 Learn Electric Guitar “Slides Exercises” – Rock Guitar Lesson
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What is the best way to learn the electric guitar?
Ok, I have an electric guitar, and I really want to learn playing! The problem is that my parents can not afford right now, so I was wondering what is the next best thing. Do I get books? Or if they find a program online? I do not want to use YouTube because I tried it and it really sucked! Suggestions?
Start with the power chords … and play songs at random for it on the radio. mostly do not even need labels … play by ear, everything you need to do is use the rope and lower (or A if nessecary) … to hear a song on the radio … slide it up and down until you get a score that reflects the agreement that you hear on the radio … after this note has found … build a power chord it. (There are three agreements finger on the low E string or chain) may be more modern songs falsified using power chords. If playing songs the ear is not easy for you … try to get the labels on the Internet first, then play … However, I always try to resolve by itself. once it is safe to use power chords and play with a melody by ear, maybe try to learn the appropriate agreements used in these songs, Internet tags are good for this (be sure to realize that the chords you play a card reading, is the only way to learn properly … Also watch a lot of labels are just power chords) … strengthen their aware of the agreements and consider the theory of learning music from the Internet or a teacher (very helpful) once you learn the chords and enough to become an actor of great rhythm guitar or music … try youtube searching techniques such as tapping and alone, it is really useful if you have enough confidence on the guitar.
learn to play electric guitar online