Play Guitar Well Enough To Get Laid

play guitar well enough to get laid
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Why do I still feel dizzy and tired?

I'm still dizzy and tired, I get at least 8 hours of sleep and nothing when I'm relaxed (See a book, playing guitar or drawing), I dizzy and need a few seconds, then recover. Sometimes I have headaches, and always a headache and I have irregular periods? I'm only 14 I am not pregnant or anything. Please reply in time with the details so you can sufficient information and maybe someone who has experience with this or had their happen? some of my friends and family think you may be anemic and if so, how is it bad? And I'll go for a checkup, but not soon. Thank you for the help! I'm certainly not tired because I wake up, have a shower and eat, I feel that way until I got wave "of dizziness, I feel tired and exhausted.

Well. it is good that doctors will soon … can blood test to see what the problem ….. is quite possible aneamia …… which can be treated by taking iron supplements.

play guitar well enough to get laid