Learn Violin

learn violin
Learn Violin! Violin Lesson #1- Holding the Bow (bow hold), pt.1

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"I can teach myself and violin without a teacher?

I loved learning the violin in my youth … Now I'm 22 … I just want to play the songs and do not want to learn it by means of notes ….. I already know the guitar and keyboard … I am a quick learner …. If I buy a violin for me I can learn even the teacher? offcourse is fundamental Internet .. Please advice

Hello, Since you learned other instruments you can learn on their own to play with a good book or video or a combination of both. You, however, almost certain to take bad habits in relation to the art if they are alone with all teachers. Because it seems that you are in it strictly for the pleasure that can be Fine. However, if you have a broader focus, then you better get an education and learning proper technique from the beginning. To come back and unlearning is a frustrating process! Feel free to hit me with any questions or recommendations for self-learning. donny@pecknelmusic.com

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