Learn Guitar Computer

learn guitar computer
learn guitar with ‘redemption song’

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Do you know any program that slows down songs MP3 and MP4? for me to learn the guitar parts of a song?

many of my songs Favorite guitar solos are very fast. I would love to slow down a bit so you can learn it note for note. Do you know any computer program you can do? Thank you for your time

Audacity ® is free software, open source software for recording and editing. It is available Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU / Linux and other operating systems. Learn more about Audacity … Also check our Wiki and Forum for more information. The latest version of Audacity is 1.3.7 (beta). Because it is a work in progress and still no complete documentation or translations into foreign languages, is recommended for more advanced users. See New Features in 1.3 for more information about the 1.3.x beta series. For all users, Audacity 1.2.6 is a stable, complete and fully documented. You can have Audacity 1.2.6 and 1.3.7 installed on the same machine. Songs not only slow, you can speed up, change the tempo and more. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

learn guitar computer

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