How To Play Guitar Hero Songs

how to play guitar hero songs
How to Play Guitar Hero III Songs on Electric Guitar : How to Play Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine

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Can you play guitar hero (I, II or III) with a guitar from Rock Band for PS2?

I have Rock Band for PS2 and want to play more songs. I thought to buy one of the games Guitar Hero, but obviously, I make sure I can play my PS2 guitar to me. In that sense, I know theres a way get the songs on the site, but can someone tell me how I would do it, how could I have on my ps2?

I have Guitar Hero and Rock Band my PS3. I realized in the case of the PS2 Rock Band guitar compatible says it's probably the same guitar to the PS2 version. anyway, the guitar can not be used for other games. I was told that the rock group is the standard by which could be used for other games, but Activision (creators Guitar Hero) not. I tried the Rock Band guitar with Guitar Hero and Guitar Hero guitar with rock band and not working well. sry.

how to play guitar hero songs

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