Hear And Play Guitar Lessons

hear and play guitar lessons
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I can play the electric guitar and bass, but I play seriously?

I, playing guitar for 3 months (and I had lessons) Is playing bass for about 8 days (and I had no classes), I can play both pretty well, but I like certian aspects of these two instruments. Because the guitar you can hear is becoming stronger and more sensitive and I like the bass, but the thing is, you can not hear very well in the songs. I made a bass amplifier with a 150 pounds, but now I'm having doubts about the guitar. I play the guitar a few days ago, and now it feels so strange, because the big change. What should I do? Should I continue to play both instruments until I am? PS: I play stuff like Arctic Monkeys, and each time I hear his songs I can not really hear the bass in most songs. Thank you:)

Play time. Knowing several instruments is not a problem. De hecho, if you band together, gives you more options because you can play what the group needs.

hear and play guitar lessons