Guitar Learn How

guitar learn how

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Is it hard to learn guitar from a book?

I want to learn the guitar, I have no musical training, while I do not know any agreements or even what it is! This is my dream to learn. Is it very difficult to learn the guitar in a book?

You can start to play with some decent books. I played for over 30 years. I started with a battered guitar old book with Mel Bay Agreement. I'll give some tips for success: 1) Form. Pay attention to how the book shows the position of your hand and fingers. Not right way. You'll be glad you did as you become more advanced. 2) Route scale. Spend at least 10 minutes each time you do you practice each chord Vacuum first, second, third finger, fourth. Then down. It may seem monotonous, but increases the strength of the fingers, the correct position and Curing. 3) Dedication. Play at least 30 minutes each day. Do not give up, because your fingers hurt. This is normal and disappears after a few weeks. Good luck and stay with her. xx

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