kids learn to play guitar book
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Okay so I've always loved music. My mother is a musician who plays guitar, mandolin, and Tamborine and he sings. She is in a small number of bands and playing music and singing since childhood. I have a decent singing voice (I think it's just in the genes) and want to learn to play guitar and sing with you. I am not trying to make it big, or something that love music and you want to learn to play so bad! I noticed it's not going to teach (how my mother is too busy) so I decided to teach me the guitar now that I have a good size. Has anyone else done this? How u? I have a really great book with photos of Understanding color and everything. And I was teaching myself to add something and I know some chords and I practice the connection and disconnection them. If someone could give me more advice and / or direction would be great. Thank you.
Great … I am a self taught guitarist, I know some rope scratching and plucking some support .. I used the song oldies magazines with a song that appears in the line until I got the drop. his pleasure. However, you can start with this site for beginners .. Hope that helps out ..
kids learn to play guitar book