How To Play Guitar Hymns

how to play guitar hymns
How to play Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice on guitar

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How can I start my new music in church?

We have a small church with the elderly for the most part. Are Open to sing contemporary music instead of hymns, do not know how to begin. We have a piano and a few people who could sing, but anyone can play the guitar or drums or something like that and I have no desire to be as significant without the other instruments … I think it is important for our church to contemporary music of our service, so we can grow and have young families interested … I'm not saying Do not sing hymns. I have nothing against hymns, just know that for me it is easier to worship with Contemp. music and know a lot others like me. On the other hand, what is so special about the hymns. Were "contemporary" at a time. And finally, our contemporary songs will probably be classified as an announcement for the hymns today. I think we should have a cult to accommodate all mix … PS thank you for all your answers!

Remember this. You (or your church) will attract who you are. Not necessarily want. When they say they are open to contemporary music on whether you really think of songs like God is so good or I'll Fly Away. That said, slowly contemporary music. Slower than you think. According to the opening people you might want to introduce a new chorus of a month. Sing this song in almost all services until the most people are comfortable with it. Starting slowly will be worth waiting longer before. Gradually be able to make a family choir and a new choir in the same department. Not completely abandon the hymns. This will only make the elderly more resistant trying to introduce changes. Try hymns of praise and Worship (Word Music). People do not worship, so that each song or songs are more new to them. Balance of old and new. Try to keep the book of hymns and songs of praise and worship series (4 volumes). Do not you have a keyboard with electric drum sound? Do you have a form of advertisement you need a drummer and guitarist? People do not know, but if the battery is inserted make sure that does not control the singers. This will give you a lot of negative responses, especially the elderly. Pray a lot! Be patient.

how to play guitar hymns