Play Guitar Well

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How well I should be able to play guitar?

I am a 13 years old and have played guitar for about 13 months. Began noise in a learning for me, but certainly now much more power play and go to a school of rock and have our next release months. So my question is, how I should be playing guitar at the moment, and what I should be able to do / play? and what skills you learned? thank you, I'm just curious if I learn everything it should be.

That's all it is. Given what you have said that you did, you should be approximately the point where Kristen Young was after playing for about 13 months. That means I have no idea. Each situation is different. Things to know your size and style of teacher education make a difference. At the end of my first month I learned a lot of notes and theory, but I had absolutely no idea how to make music. But I'll try to answer. You have to know much ropes and feel comfortable with the agreements authority. You can learn scales, according to the professor. Perhaps a purely technical, like a hammer, pull, bend, but do it efficiently and simply takes time and practice, and is not something I expect you to know, after just one year. Even knowledge of things is enough to start. But if the only thing he had practiced since the beginning then it would be another matter. Therefore I think it should be the least of their worries. In one year a teacher can just focus on a number of things, and could be any a number of concepts. I am sure that in the other, while you learn all the things to learn too. Think instead of the place where you want to go with his guitar playing next. School of Rock's great. Playing in a group is a great way to learn guitar. Keep it up!

play guitar well