Learn How To Play Guitar Nyc

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Is it difficult to take the banjo? Any advice?

Hey! I am a player of guitar and ukulele, and I really want to learn the banjo! I have experience in both classical and flattop guitars, so I'm fine with the style of my fingers and calluses. I picked fasting ukulele, I took with him a week after I have it. I do not know too much about the banjo, but I but I'm in love with him for some time. Sufjan Stevens is one of my idols, music, and I would get a banjo like yours. Any advice on the kind of banjo should I get? Right now I am thinking of a series 5. Also, is there any websites or stores you recommend buying one? I live in New Jersey, near New York. I am a little confused about what must buy if you have any advice I know. I think of things to touch on everything that I can sing classical things, not really. (If that makes sense? Judge what I am responses from other Blogs Yahoo! haha!) Thank you very much! -Kate

Kate, you should have no major problem All for Learning to play the banjo – given their experience with the guitar and ukulele. I played guitar for about six years old when he went to a music store in Leavenworth, Kan., and bought his first banjo 5-string electric saw. Within minutes, once you learn the chords associated with it special, I played the thing. Get your banjo and a brochure for the setting and agreements. Do it well. Years later I decided to keep my attention so I sold my guitar and the banjo I bought a new electric Regal with money.

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