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If you can not take things in his ear "You have nothing to play guitar?

What do you think of this? Case heard at the time, was the attitude of many guitar players. Of course, there was little tab and the Internet, and most had to pick up things by ear. I have always been self-consciousness are my ears and do much to improve it, even the work of reading at sight and I'm 30. I always thought if I grew up in the 80s who would probably be lost, or be a sort of Steve Jones (good for some players simply do not have the technology profecient). On the other hand, you could find a good teacher to me taught ear training and how to build chords, I just learn these things in recent years. What do you think of this attitude: if you can not take things by ear, not because you have nothing to play guitar

well, Hendrix had to start somewhere hand! Finally, I think it's a great skill to have to play, but it takes time to get there. once you're there, you're here, but until then, just put it into practice. be able to read music is a skill itself. there are great players who can not read music, but there are also players who can, I think being able to read music and play by ear is large, double talent

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