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What is a metronome for guitar, and how I can use to learn to play guitar?

I am a beginner guitar. I learned the basics of the agreements the collection and some now want to learn to shred. Of course, fragmentation is not easy, it is very difficult too. Recently I saw something on a website on a metronome guitar. What is it, really do not know not what it is. Said that if I play the guitar with a metronome, I learn faster than the game without grinding it. He said something about some rhythms which should set the metronome. I have no one, so I think I'll use a metronome online. Someone please tell me how should I adjust the tempo or how I can do well for me. Thank you!

A metronome guitar is used for the practice of his time and learn to play notes different at different rates, but more stable and irregularity. The metronome forces you to keep time while practicing their ropes or ladders. Start with a slow count of the metronome and try to play one note per click. Finally, you can increase your heart per minute (BPM) that you get better.

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