Learn Guitar How To Play

learn guitar how to play
Learn Guitar Lesson Write a song – Songwriting part 1

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How can I learn to play guitar quickly?

I played the piano and violin for many years so I can read music and more. I have a guitar, but how fast I can learn to play? thank you very much 10 points for best answer!

I play guitar and I play for 3 months, I became quite good. My first advice would be to learn the major chords (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) after treated the minor chords and seventh, My second advice would be to find a good teacher, if you do not want a teacher and you want to learn for yourself to learn to read labels and you can learn the songs. The best place to Ultimate-Guitar.com cloud is Good luck and buy a tuner to ensure the guitar is tuned or it will sound terrible

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