Learn Guitar Book Reviews

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Where can I find the book of guitar arrangements more specific Beatles songs?

I'm a maniac obsessed Beatles fan (woo yeah baby) And I'm learning to play guitar. I'm not bothered about how difficult it is to play songs I like the challenge I just want to actually play my favorite music – as they sound on record. I looked around and read some reviews of some books, but it seems that everything the world has something a little crap about them sewer agreements fundamental evil, ideal for piano, too vague, quite ridiculous … you get the idea. So does anyone know a guitar chord song book full of songs really accurate, preferably with the drawing cute little boxes of agreements, scratch patterns and letters, etc, etc, etc. As I said, I'm still a student …. HELP! Thank you!

Buy the complete scores: http://www.amazon.com/Beatles-Complete-Scores/dp/0793518326/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1219782734&sr=8-1 I this property about 10 years and has been a great help!

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