How To Play Guitar Transitions

how to play guitar transitions
How to Play Acoustic Guitar : Chord Transitions on an the Acoustic Guitar

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Which instrument should I play?

I recently started a band. I sing and play piano / keyboard, and one member plays the guitar. I seeks to try to learn another instrument that could play in the band. I'm more interested in the drums, but I'm not sure what could easily transition to the middle of the song keys. Should I take drum lessons or watching the guitar or bass taking? Thank you in advance.

If you ask me advice, you should try to Bass. Another band mate, obviously, took the guitar and may well do everything a singer in a group does. But Drummers are easier to find there while looking for serious players may be more difficult at times. It is my opinion should be addressed to the uniqueness of the band. However, it is to you and your group. Good luck.]

how to play guitar transitions