Guitar Learn How To Play Guitar

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Is it difficult to learn to play guitar at 7 years of experience in the piano?

I play the piano for 7 years and during the summer I would be fun to learn guitar. Is it hard to take and is easier than the piano? So what's the score? How Beginners usually guitar cost? Thank you! Thank you to all who have given all the answers so great! 🙂

will be much easier for you a person who learn the guitar as his first instrument. However, it is much more difficult piano. mainly because of its very different … a good beginner guitar cost between $ 100-350. amplifier and a low price would be about $ 100. (Everything on the guitar is expensive) If you expect to be easy, do not read the next party! It will take thousands of hours of practice to get good at the guitar … take this into account.

guitar learn how to play guitar