Country Guitar Lessons

country guitar lessons
Tele Country Free Guitar Lesson Forrest Lee Jr Telecaster Vol 6

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What kind of acoustic guitar do I find?

I take a guitar class in school this semester and I plan to buy a Flights beginners acoustic guitar. In class, we played Yamaha classical guitars with nylon strings, but I do not know what to buy. steel string or nylon? My Professor recommends nylon, but I think the steel would be more versatile. I want to play country music and the music of Jack Johnson, plays, and John Mayor, etc. What brand should I get? I do not want to spend more than $ 200 and I look for refurbished models to save more money:) I think is, but you can give me some suggestions, I am open anything. I play the piano and if it helps! Thank you! Oh, and the classic or acoustic? I think this kind password with the string type.

Get a rope Yamaha steel. cheap, good sound. well built. students will have their fingers for a while you get used to, but are much more than guitars with nylon strings. Usually means classical guitar nylon strings. Both are acoustic.

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